
Nominated By: Krista Johns
Nominee Application Form: Part A
Title: Doctor
Family Names(s): Baker
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 13935
Mill Creek, Washington 98082
Country: United States
Office Telephone: +1 425 327 3914
Residence Telephone: +1 425 327 3914
Nationality/Citizenship: USA
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: no date set
Current Position: Founder and President
Current Employer: Baker Collegiate Consulting
Please indicate your fluency levels in various languages (Comma Separated)
Fluent in Reading: ENGLISH
Fluent in Writing: ENGLISH
Fluent in Speaking: ENGLISH
Academic Qualifications and Training
1. Degree, Institution, Year Completed: Doctor of Education (Community College Leadership), Oregon State University, 1998
2. Degree, Institution, Year Completed: Master of Science (Computer Education), Eastern Washington University, 1986
3. Degree, Institution, Year Completed: Master of Science (Mathematics), New Mexico State University, 1972
4. Degree, Institution, Year Completed: Bachelor of Arts (Mathematics), Washington State University, 1970
Nominee Application Form: Part B
  • Institutional quality assurance reviews / audits
  • General QA consultancy
  • Setting up of new QA agency
  • Training of experts/external reviewers
  • Internal QA of institutions
  • Self study guidance to institutions
  • External review of institutions
  • Quality Indicators and benchmarks
  • External Review of QAAs
  • Institutional assessment
  • Institutional accreditation
  • Online program accreditation
Examples of Experience: National & International Consultations / Audit / Review
1. Brief Description: Evaluator
Institution/City/Country: Accrediting Commission for Independent Colleges and Schools
Date: 2014
Type of Experience:
  • Institutional Audit / Assessment
2. Brief Description: Accreditation External Review Team Evaluator
Institution/City/Country: Commission for Academic Accreditation (CAA) Abu Dhabi, UAE
Date: 2012
Type of Experience:
  • Institutional Audit / Assessment
3. Brief Description: Consultant, Feasibility of U.S. institutional accreditation
Institution/City/Country: Higher Colleges of Technology Abu Dhabi, UAE
Date: 2012
Type of Experience:
  • Consultancy
4. Brief Description: Executive Vice President
Institution/City/Country: Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (U.S. Regional Accreditor) Redmond, WA USA
Date: 2000-2011
Type of Experience:
  • Institutional Audit / Assessment
Nominee Application Form: Part C
Please write a professional profile of 500 words.
Professional Summary Description: Dr. Ronald L. (Ron) Baker has a deep and abiding understanding of the principles and practices of institutional accreditation, accountability, and quality assurance. For more than a decade he was the Executive Vice President of the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU), one of seven U.S. regional higher education accrediting agencies. Noteworthy among his many accomplishments with NWCCU were his design, development, and implementation of the 2010 revision to the accreditation standards and institutional monitoring process. As a measure of his effectiveness in blending external accountability demands with institutional interests for continuous improvement, NWCCU member institutions overwhelming adopted the revised accreditation standards (96.3% approval) and monitoring process (88.2% approval) which were subsequently accepted by the U.S. Department of Education, the national oversight agency for accrediting organizations.

Since his retirement from NWCCU in 2011 Ron has continued to pursue his interests in higher education quality assurance and institutional improvement. He is the Founder and President of Baker Collegiate Consulting, an organization dedicated to providing assistance to the higher education community in meeting internal self-expectations and external quality assurance mandates. In doing that work he expanded his expertise with U.S. regional accreditation to include national accreditation and is an approved evaluator for the Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools, a U.S.-based programmatic accrediting agency for U.S. and international higher education institutions.

Ron’s experience with institutional quality assurance and continuous improvement extends well beyond U.S. borders. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the Community College Baccalaureate Association, a U.S.-based international organization that promotes access to bachelor degrees for tertiary/further education and community college students. His work in international settings includes educational quality, institutional effectiveness, and quality assurance projects with colleges, universities, and accountability organizations in the UAE, China, Australia, and Denmark. Of particular note, in 2012 Ron was invited to serve as an evaluator for the UAE Commission for Academic Accreditation (CAA) on a site visit to an institution in Dubai. He has also submitted a proposal for consideration by the selection committee for a consulting project as the Strategic Advisor to the Chief Executive Officer of the Samoa Qualifications Authority.

In addition to his background in institutional quality assurance and continuous improvement, Ron is recognized nationally internationally for his expertise and experience with educational quality and effective institutional practice. In 2013 he was invited to be a keynote speaker at the Global Business Education Network (Businet) conference in Malta. In that same year Ron was also invited to participate as the U.S. representative on an international roundtable of tertiary and further education specialists at the TAFE Directors Australia conference in Brisbane. In 2013 and 2014 he was an invited speaker for higher education conferences in China. In 2014 he was selected as one of five Fulbright Scholars for a series of meetings with college and university administrators in the Russian Federation. He was also selected to deliver a paper on accreditation and accountability best practices at the 2015 MENA Higher Education Leadership Forum in Abu Dhabi.

Documents Submitted

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