Application Process for Members

APQN has four levels of membership: Full Member, Intermediate Member, Associate Member and Institutional Member. Certain criteria need to be met at each level of membership. Membership fees vary depending on the level of membership, as well as a set initial joining fee.

APQN also accepts Observers.

To apply for membership or observer status with APQN, submit the application form.

Application Process

Membership application process consists of 5 steps. The flow chart below shows the process.

member flowchart

Step 1: The applicant (potential QAAs or HEIs) submitted the expression of interest (EoI) to APQN Secretariat.

Step 2: The Secretariat verifies that the request for membership complies with either of the conditions mentioned in Clauses 12.1–12.4 and makes a recommendation about membership category.

Step 3: The applicant (potential QAAs or HEIs) fill in the applications and submitted to the Secretariat. The Membership Committee reviews the application.

Step 4: The application is then reviewed by APQN Board which has the right to ask additional questions when the information provided by the applicant is not clear.

Step 5: The Board decides if the application fulfills the membership criteria in the Constitution. The Secretary acts as a convener for the Board and communicates the decision of the Board to the applicant. In case of a negative decision the communication is limited to the message that the applicant did not fulfill the membership criteria stipulated in the Constitution.

Contact Us

APQN Administrator
No. 202, South ShaanXi Road,
Shanghai, 200031, P.R. CHINA
Tel: +86 21 5403 1620
Fax: +86 21 5467 0198

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