
Nominated By: Concepcion V. Pijano
Nominee Application Form: Part A
Title: Doctor
Family Names(s): Wasser
Mailing Address: Robert Stolz Str. 5
40470 Düsseldorf
Country: Germany
Office Telephone: +49 211 90097710
Nationality/Citizenship: German
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: 09-12-1965
Current Position: Managing Director
Current Employer: ASIIN
Please indicate your fluency levels in various languages (Comma Separated)
Academic Qualifications and Training
1. Degree, Institution, Year Completed: Master of Arts in Public Administration , University of Konstanz, 1989
2. Degree, Institution, Year Completed: M.A. in International Policis , Virginia State University , 1989
3. Degree, Institution, Year Completed: Ph.D. in American Studies , FU Berlin 1994
4. Degree, Institution, Year Completed: Professor h.c. , Kazahk Agrarian University, 2009
Nominee Application Form: Part B
  • Institutional quality assurance reviews / audits
  • Program reviews / accreditations
  • General QA consultancy
  • Setting up of new QA agency
  • Training of experts/external reviewers
  • Internal QA of institutions
  • Self study guidance to institutions
  • External review of institutions
  • Quality Indicators and benchmarks
  • External Review of QAAs
  • QA of Open learning institutes
  • Institutional assessment
  • Institutional quality audits
  • Institutional accreditation
  • QA of cross border offerings
  • Student feedback and surveys
  • Research assessment
  • Online program accreditation
Examples of Experience: National & International Consultations / Audit / Review
1. Brief Description: Audit Director
Institution/City/Country: Australian Universities Quality Agency in Melbourne, Australia
Date: 2012
Type of Experience:
  • Institutional Audit / Assessment
2. Brief Description: Consultant for Internal and External Quality Assurance Capacity Building
Institution/City/Country: in Central America, East Africa and the ASEAN Region for the DAAD
Date: 2003-2014
Type of Experience:
  • Consultancy
  • Institutional Audit / Assessment
  • Programme Review / Accreditation
3. Brief Description: Managing Director of ASIIN e.V. and ASIIN Consult
Institution/City/Country: ASIIN
Date: 2001-to date
Type of Experience:
  • Consultancy
  • Institutional Audit / Assessment
  • Programme Review / Accreditation
4. Brief Description: Rapporter for the Assessment of Higher Education Learning Outcomes AHELO
Institution/City/Country: OECD
Date: 2010
Type of Experience:
  • Consultancy
Nominee Application Form: Part C
Please write a professional profile of 500 words.
Professional Summary Description: I have been professionally engaged in the field of external as well as internal quality assurance/accreditation for almost 15 years. After serving as Managing director of the Universities in the State of Lower Saxony/Germany and working for the rectorate of the University of Stuttgart, I became the Managing director of the German Accreditation Agency for Study Programs in Engineering, Informatics, Natural Sciences and Mathematics (ASIIN) in 2001, which has since then been engaged in the field of programme accreditation (with almost 4000 study programs under Review) as well as institutional accreditation (experience in the area of institutional QA was greatly enhanced by a 8 month professional experience as Audit director of the Australian Universities Quality Agency in Melbourne in 2011) as well as experts for institutional reviews in other parts of the world. As CEO of ASIIN Consult since 2007 I also have been engaged in numerous consultancy projects in practically all parts of the world, designing and executing manifold workshops/conferences in IQA/EQA, leading trainings of HE/QA staff in QA matters and organization development, while also executing professional development seminars of peers/experts in review procedures. As regards the APQN area, I was the responsible trainer of a recent 3-year training course for 11 QA/Accreditation agencies (assembled in AQAN) of the ASEAN Region in a European-Asian Project between 2010-2013. During the past couple of years I have assumed the chair/presidency of numerous higher education/QA Networks internationally, being the current president of the Central and Eastern European Quality Assurance Network (CEENQA) as well as the President of the European Alliance of Subject Specific and Professional Accreditation (EASPA). I also served as the President of the European Network for the Accreditation of Engineering Education (ENAEE).In the past four years I served as one of the directors of INQAAHE. Throughout my prefessional career I have been engaged as consultant/project coordinator in European Union projects, for the German Academic Exchange Council (DAAD), the OECD and UNESCO as well as other institutions.

Documents Submitted

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