The Education Quality Evaluation Agency of the Ministry of Education in China (EQEA)

Membership Type: Full
Year in which Organisation/Agency commenced operations: 2004
Countries/regions/states of operation: china

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

First Name: Wei
Surname: Fan
Job Title: Director
Phone: +86 010 82213303

Nominated Contact Person (if different from CEO)

First Name: Siqi
Surname: Zheng
Email Id:

Organisation Details

The Education Quality Evaluation Agency of the Ministry of Education in China (EQEA)
Address: Beijing, Xueyuan South Road, 100081

Additional Contacts

Criteria Requirements for Full Member

1 Criterion: Nature of the operations of the agency:
Measure: The agency is responsible for reviews at institutional or programme level of post-secondary
education institutions or post-secondary quality assurance agencies
Description: HEEC, established in August 2004, is an administrative body under the auspices of the Ministry of education (MOE). Its main responsibility is to organize and implement the evaluation of baccalaureate degree programs and associate degree programs offered in institutions of higher education. Currently, the funds of HEEC come from the MOE solely. The staff is expected to expand to thirty in total. The center is divided into six departments: Administrative Office, General Office, Teaching Evaluation Department, Specialized Programs Evaluation Department, Educational Training Department and Information Office.
2 Criterion: Mission statement and objectives:
Measure: The agency has formulated a mission statement and objectives which are consistent with the nature of the agency
Description: HEEC obejectives
HEEC commits itself to implementing national guidelines according to higher education development rules and national higher education regulations. Meanwhile, it carries out evaluation in a scientific and reasonable manner, applies itself to the construction of higher education quality assurance system together with education administration departments of all levels and higher education institutions in order to promote higher education development, raise higher education level and ultimately gain people's satisfaction to higher education.
HEEC responsibilities
1. Organize and implement the teaching performance evaluation, in accordance to the guidelines, regulations, and evaluation criteria of MOE, of higher education institutions, of other educational organizations, and of specialized education.
2. Conduct research in the areas of policies, regulations, and theories in higher education reform and evaluation, and provide data for the decision making body of MOE.
3. Develop international cooperation and exchanges with higher education evaluation (accreditation) agencies/commissions in other countries as well as in Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan; as is authorized by the Chinese Government, enter agreement with non-government agencies/organizations in the areas of evaluation in higher education institutions.
4. Develop non-government cooperation and exchanges in the study of higher education teaching & learning.
5. Conduct training for evaluators.
6. Provide consultation and information service in the area of higher education evaluation.
7. Provide other related services authorized by MOE.
3 Criterion: Agency staff, Numbers, Profile, Roles:
Measure: The profile of the staff is consistent with the Mission Statement
Description: Agency staff, Numbers, Profile, Roles
HEEC started with 15 staff(2004), with the increasing evaluation work, the number of staff has increased to 21(2009).Most of them have been employed over the last few years to organizing evaluation work.
The director was from the MOE and response for daily operations of the organization.
The organizational structure has been restructured to enable more efficiency and effectiveness. Six departments and relative responsibilities are as follows:
Responsibility of each department:
1.Administrative Office
Assist the superiors to coordinate relevant department tasks; be responsible for the human resources, secretary, finance, filing, confidential and logistics services.
2.General office
Carry out research in the aspects of evaluation policy and regulation, evaluation theory and methodology. Provide evaluation of Specialized Programs. Develop international cooperation and exchanges with higher education evaluation (accreditation) agencies in other countries as well as in Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan; Be responsible to the publicity work in HEEC; Edit and issue â??Higher Education Evaluation Center Newsâ?.
3.Teaching Evaluation Department
Conduct the evaluation of higher education institutions, and independent institutions of higher education for adults, the Central Radio and Television University, private higher education institutions and sino-foreign cooperative schools.
4.Specialized Programs Evaluation Department
Conduct specialized program evaluation in higher education institutions and independent institutions.
5.Educational Training Department
Conduct related training concerning to Baccalaureate Programs evaluation, specialized programs evaluation, and Programs Authentication. Conduct training to experts involved in evaluation.
6.Information Office
Be responsible to collect, analyze and publish basic running data of higher education institutions; manage, run and maintain the database of higher education basic running data; set up and maintain the web of HEEC; provide consultative service to evaluation information.
4 Criterion: Profile of reviewers:
Measure: The profile of the reviewers is consistent with the Mission Statement
Description: Evaluatorâ??s database
For external evaluators, there is a database in which experts from each field and management experts are listed, and name, area of specialty, academic record and degree, career in management section, and research outcome etc. are registered.
More than 1,000 professors were included in that database. Those who selected into the database covered Economic, Law, Science, Liberal arts, Medical science, Physical Education, Arts, History, etc.
These experts are selected based on the recommendation of each university and take part in the external evaluator training organized by HEEC. Matching of university and external evaluators is decided with the consideration for the capacity of university and its history etc.
The MOE employed 67 reviewers from universities and educational administrative deparments.Their main responsibilities include Consulting and Final consideration and grading.HEIs who doubts the final result could complain to arbitration authority.
5. Independence
HEEC is an independent corporate body established by the MOE in 2004.It has been implementing and organizing the whole evaluation process under the management of the MOE since its establishment.During the â??On-Siteâ?evaluation process, assessors require to make a series of evaluating forms and an analysis report that cannot be revised or changed. This report will be collected by HEEC and used as final audit material.
5 Criterion: Independence:
Measure: The judgements and recommendations of the agency’s reports cannot be changed by third parties
Description: HEEC is an independent corporate body established by the MOE in 2004.It has been implementing and organizing the whole evaluation process under the management of the MOE since its establishment.During the â??On-Siteâ?evaluation process, assessors require to make a series of evaluating forms and an analysis report that cannot be revised or changed. This report will be collected by HEEC and used as final audit material.
6 Criterion: Resources:
Measure: The agency has sufficient resources to run its operations in accordance with its mission statement and objectives
Description: Finance
HEEC receices an annual grant from the MOE based on the yearly estimates for operational cost and other expenditures.In addition, other sources od revenue is forbiddened.Grant for operational cost from 2004-2008 (The first round evaluation) is RMB59,000,000 in total.
HEEC is located, since its inception,at 3rd floor of Zongyi building, 4, Dewai Street, Beijing.Its location is easily accessible to public.
HEEC has procured and maintained all necessary equipments to garantee that work process can be operated effectively and efficiently. Ratio of PC to staff is 1:1,each office has 1 laptop for portable use. In addition, printers, scanners, projectors, photocopiers and a series of softwares have been procured and well used.
At present, HEEC has two databases for stroring and selecting received information.For instance, assessorsâ?? and professorsâ??profile, university courses,facilities,basic teaching statistics. The databases are constantly updated and upgrated regularly. HEEC has its own website open to public who wants to reveive relative information about evaluation.
7 Criterion: External quality assurance criteria and processes:
Measure: The description of the processes and criteria applied should be transparent and publicly available and normally include:
self evaluation, site visit, public report and follow-up measure
Description: Policies in relation to higher education are generally decided by the MOE and the government.
The evaluation is not focusing on the evaluation itself, but on the policy called â??20 wordsâ? policy that "facilitates constructions by the evaluation, facilitates educational revolution by the evaluation, facilitates management by the evaluation, connects the evaluation and construction, and focuses on the constructionâ?. There are seven 1st grade indicators, one characteristics item, 19 2nd grade indicators, and 44 viewpoints for the evaluation standard. The evaluation results are divided into four phases: Excellent, Good, Pass, Fail.

(Structure of evaluation criteria)
  Basic Standards (1st grade indicator)
1.Institution Mission
3.Facility and Utilization
4.Academic Program Development & Innovation in Teaching
5.Administration in Academic Affairs
6.Academic Culture
7.Student Learning Outcomes
Characteristic Item

Extended Standards (2nd grade indicator)
1.1 Institutionâ??s Position
1.2 Institution Philosophy
2.1 Number of Faculty and its Composition
2.2 Instructional Faculty
3.1 Facility
3.2 Budget
4.1 Academic Majors
4.2 Curriculum
4.3 Practicum Teaching
5.1 Administration for Academic Affairs
5.2 Quality Control
6.1 Faculty Morale
6.2 Academic Culture
7.1 Basis Theories & Skills
7.2 Graduation Thesis or Designs
7.3 Morality & Ethics
7.4 Physical Education
7.5 Social Reputation
7.6 Employment
Process, implementation system, transparency, measures to keep openness, and improvement mechanism
The whole process includes: Self-evaluationm, On-site evaluation, evaluation report and follow-up measures (reform report).
Provision of self-assessment report is asked for each application institution, and the evaluation will be conducted based on the report.
For external evaluators, there is a database in which experts from each field and management experts are listed, and name, area of specialty, academic record and degree, career in management section, and research outcome etc. are registered. These experts are selected based on the recommendation of each university and take part in the external evaluator training. Matching of university and external evaluators is decided with the consideration for the capacity of university and its history etc.
8 Criterion: Quality assurance:
Measure: The description of the processes and criteria applied should be transparent and publicly available and normally include:
self evaluation, site visit, public report and follow-up measure
Description: Annual Business Plans
The Annual Business Plans provides for yearâ??s plans,strategies, programme and activities for HEEC which is agreed by the Management.The Business Plans are submitted to the MOE for approvement and endorsement and will be monitored.

Standards and processes have been reviewed at the beginning of a new cycle evaluation.


Criteria Requirements for Institutional Member

Institutional Member Criteria:
Measure: Institutional Members are institutions of higher education in the region that are in good standing with the relevant quality assurance agency if one exists.
Proof of recognition as a Higher Education Institution: Applicable Only For Institutional Members
Proof of the organisation’s good standing with the local QA agency: Applicable Only For Institutional Members

Criteria Requirements for Associate Member

Associate Member Criteria:
Measure:Associate Members are organisations with a major interest and active involvement in evaluation, accreditation and quality assurance in higher education, but without the responsibility for assuring the quality of institutions, education programs, or external quality assurance agencies
Applicable Only For Associate Members

Criteria Requirements for Intermediate Member

1 Criterion: Nature of the operations of the agency:
Measure: The agency is responsible for reviews at institutional or programme level of post-secondary education institutions or post-secondary quality assurance agencies
Description: Applicable Only For Intermediate Members
2 Criterion: Mission statement and objectives:
Measure: The agency has formulated a mission statement and objectives which are consistent with the nature of the agency
Applicable Only For Intermediate Members
3 Criterion: :
Proof of the organisation’s good standing with the local QA agency
Applicable Only For Intermediate Members

Criteria Requirements for Observer

Criterion For Observers:
Measure: APQN accepts as Observers organisations outside the Asia-Pacific region, including: external quality assurance agencies; institutions with a major interest in evaluation, accreditation and quality assurance in higher education; other regional networks that have major interests in and strong links with the region
Criteria Requirements for Observer: Applicable Only For Observers

Documentation and Fees

Additional Information: I will be emailing additional supporting information
Upon approval of my application I agree to pay:
  • $500 (Initial Joining Fee: Full Member, Intermediate Member, Associate Member)
I will be applying for support for: None

Documents Submitted

Located in: APQN Members

Contact Us

APQN Administrator
No. 202, South ShaanXi Road,
Shanghai, 200031, P.R. CHINA
Tel: +86 21 5403 1620
Fax: +86 21 5467 0198

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